Pierre Smars, 2013

Bamiyan (Afghanistan), © P.Smars, 2003 |
Development of custom solutions, total station measurements, digital photogrammetry, structural monitoring, software development: 3D modeling, online database...
Soft & Hardware
- Leica TCR 805 power total station
- Leica NA730 automatic level
- Garmin GPSmap 60CSx
- Leica Disto A5
- Leica Disto D3
- Nikon D200, AF Nikkor 28mm f/2.8D, AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D, Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 AT-X
- Photomodeler 5.2 Pro
- AutoCAD 2006, Draftsight
- In-house programs to interact with total stations and to help building 3D models (Windows, Debian and FreeBSD)
- Free software:
The Gimp,
Panorama Tools,
- In Lebanon: Archaeological Site of Baalbek (documentation of the structural pathology)
- Smars, P. "Values - Threats ... and Uncertainty / Baalbek (Lebanon)", 2012 International Conference on Conservation and Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Properties, Tai-Zhong (Taiwan), 2012.
- Smars, P., Assaad Seif, and Mario Santana. "Archaeological site of Baalbek, defining the structural risk". In ICOMOS Symposium 2012 - Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Natural and Human-Caused Disasters, 27 October 2012, Beijing (China). To be published.
- P. Smars, T. Patricio, M. Santana, A. Seif, "Archaeological site of Baalbek, Structural Risk Management Strategy", International Conference on Disaster Management and Cultural Heritage, 12-14 December, Thimphu (Bhutan), 2010.
- M. Santana Quintero, B. Van Genechten, T. Patricio, A. Seif, P. Smars, "A recording project for risk preparadness: protecting Baalbek's World Heritage Integrity", 7th International Conference on Science, Technology in Archaeology and Conservation", October 7-12 2010, Petra (jordan)
- In Belgium: Gothic vaults construction technique
- In Taiwan: Surveying tools for the parametric modelling of Architectural Heritage
- P. Smars, "Surveying Software Tools for Parametric modelling of Architectural Heritage", 2010 International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation, December 5-8 2010, Tainan (Taiwan)
- P. Smars, "Documenting Architectural Heritage, Looking for a balance between automation and control", in 文化資產保存科學季刊 (Journal of Cultural Conservation Science, Taiwan), vol.2, October 2007, pp.3-10
- In Leuven: structural monitoring in Saint-James church
- In Leuven: Three dimensional digital information system for the documentation, representation and conservation of our architectural heritage (VIRTERF) [software development: digital photogrammetry and 3D database]
- K. Nuyts, J.-P. Kruth, B. Lauwers, H. Neuckermans, M. Pollefeys, L. Qiongyan, J. Schouteden, P. Smars, K. Van Balen, L. Van Gool, M. Vergauwen, "Vision on Conservation", in B. Fischer, K. Dawson-Howe, and C. O'Sullivan (eds), Virtual and Augmented Architecture (VAA'01), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Architecture (VAA'01), Trinity College, Dublin 21-22 June 2001, 2001, 125-132
- K. Nuyts, J.-P. Kruth, B. Lauwers, H. Neuckermans, M. Pollefeys, L. Qiongyan, J. Schouteden, P. Smars, K. Van Balen, L. Van Gool and M. Vergauwen. "From a conservationist's point of view", in V, Gruen, Kahmen (eds) Proc. Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques, Vienna, October, 2001, 179-186
- K. Nuyts, K. Van Balen, P.Smars, "VIRTERF, a Vision on Heritage Conservation", Seventh International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM'01), October 25 - 27, 2001, Berkeley, California
- P. Smars, K. Van Balen, K. Nuyts, "Layered Geometric Information System", XVIII. International Symposium CIPA 2001 (Surveying and Documentation of Historic Buildings - Monuments - Sites Traditional and Modern Methods), Potsdam, September 18- 21, 2001, pp. 462-68
- In Kazakhstan (for Unesco and with the University of Aachen): Documentation of the archaeological site of Otrar [Total station surveying]
- In Bath: Parametric shape model for conservation oriented surveying [Software development + total station surveying + digital photogrammetry]
- P. Smars, D. D'Ayala, "Parametric shape model for conservation oriented surveying", World Heritage in the Digital Age, Heritage Management Mapping: GIS and Multimedia, Alexandria, 21-23 October 2002
- P. Smars, D. D'Ayala, "Architectural and structural modelling for the conservation of
cathedrals", Journal of Architectural Conservation, 3/9, pp. 51-72
- In Bath: Wells Cathedral: Jesse Window Database [software development: online database + vrml interface]
- In Bath: Minimum requirement for metric use of non-metric photographic documentation [surveying theory + photography + digital photogrammetry]
- D. D'Ayala, P. Smars, Minimum requirement for metric use of non-metric photographic documentation (Report for English Heritage: report, illustrations), July 2003
- In Afghanistan (for ICOMOS and with the University of Aachen): Documentation works in Bamiyan [total station surveying]
- In Pakistan (for Unesco and with the University of Aachen): Documentation work in Moenjodaro [total station surveying]
- In France (for Unesco's World Heritage Centre) [software development: online database]
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