Cultural Laws and Policy (文化政策與法規) [part taught by Pierre SMARS]
Second semester, 3-HZ/DH304 |
Pierre SMARS |
Course documents,
Slides of the lectures,

Bamiyan (Afghanistan), © P.Smars, 2003 |
Targets (教學目標)
- Familiarise students with the international community working for the preservation of cultural heritage.
- Familiarise students with some important documents.
- Explore challenges posed by typical threads affecting cultural heritage accross the world.
- Explore the question of 'principles of cultural heritage conservation': cultural differences and international agreements.
Outline (教學內容綱要)
The class includes lectures and seminars sessions. It will be based on the discussion of case studies.
- International cooperation
- First attempts of international cooperation
- UNESCO World Heritage Centre
- Professional bodies
- International standards
- Research programs
- Threads
- Structural stability
- Eartquakes
- Nature
- Cultural differences
- Mass tourism
- Rapid development
- Wars
Assessment (評量)
Mid-term, final exam and participation during the class.
Assessment (評量)
Group work paper, participation during the class.
References (教材上網資訊)
Office Hours (課業輔導時間)
On appointment
Slides of the lectures
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