Lectures on European Cultural History (歷史專論)
First semester, Thursday 8AM - 10AM, DH314 |
Pierre SMARS |
Course documents,
Slides of the lectures,

Rogier van der Weyden, Last Judgment, 1443-46, Hotel Dieu, Beaune |
Targets (教學目標)
- Familiarise students with European Culture through an analysis of examplary case studies.
- Introduce students to key cultural achievements in Art, science and technology.
- Show the importance of cross-fertilisation between cultures.
- Give examples of contacts between Chinese and European cultures.
Outline (教學內容綱要)
The class consists of lecture sessions.
- Outline of the geography of Europe
- Outline of the history of Europe
- Germanic Art of the Early Middle Ages
- Science in the Middle Age
- Romanesque sculpture
- Marco Polo
- Flemish painting
- Renaissance architecture
- Engineers of the Renaissance
- Art of Gardens
- "Chinoiseries"
- Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert and the Academies
- The jesuits in China
- Modern architecture
- European Union
Assessment (評量)
Mid-term, final exam and participation during the class.
References (教材上網資訊)
- J.M. Roberts, The penguin history of Europe, London, 1996
- Pierre Riche, L'Europe barbare de 476 a 774, Paris, 1989
- A.C. Crombie, Augustine to Galileo, London, 1959
- W. Sauerlaender, Sculpture medievale, Paris, s.d.
- Lassaigne, Argan, Le quinzieme siecle de Van Eyck a Botticelli, Geneve, Paris, New-York, 1955
- Peter Murray, The architecture of the italian Renaissance, 3d ed., 1986
- Nicolas Pevsner, An outline of European architecture, Penguin, London, 1948
- Bertrand Gille, les ingenieurs de la Renaissance, Paris, 1964
- G. Van Zuylen, Tous les jardins du monde, Paris, 1994
- A.C. Ross, A vision betrayed, the jesuits in Japan and China, 1542-1742, Edinburgh, 1994
- Joseph Needham, La science chinoise et l'Occident, Paris, 1973
- A. Colquhoun, Modern architecture, Oxford, 2002
Office Hours (課業輔導時間)
On appointment
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