Architectural Heritage Documentation, special topics (建築調查研究專題)
Second semester, 4-EFG/DS316 |
Pierre SMARS |
Course documents,
Slides of the lectures,

Targets (教學目標)
- Give an introduction to modern surveying techniques
- Experience the peculiarity of cultural heritage documentation
- Interest students in their local heritage
Outline (教學內容綱要)
The class includes lectures and practical exercises in the class and on the field.
- Introduction to architectural heritage documentation and modern surveying techniques
- Brief introduction to computer aided design
- Special techniques of photography [theory & exercise]
- Elements of photogrammetry [theory & exercise]
- Elements of topography applied to documentation of architecture [theory]
- Surveying with a total station [theory & exercise]
Assessment (評量)
Results of the surveying exercises, participation during the class.
References (教材上網資訊)
- W. Schofield, Engineering Surveying, 5th ed., Oxford, 2001
- Mikhail, Bethel, McGlone (eds), Modern photogrammetry, New-York, 2001
- P. Smars, "Documenting Architectural Heritage, Looking for a balance between automation and control", in 文化資產保存科學季刊 (Journal of Cultural Conservation Science, Taiwan), vol.2, October 2007, pp.3-10
- D. D'Ayala, P. Smars, Minimum requirement for metric use of non-metric photographic documentation (Report for English Heritage), July 2003
- John C. Russ, The Image Processing Handbook, CRC Press, 5th ed., 2006
- Jacobson, Ray, Attridge, Axford, Manual of Photography, 9th ed., Fogal Press, 2000
Office Hours (課業輔導時間)
On appointment
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