Points&Forces (survey)
Software tools facilitating the task of surveying architecture
a_shape_sphere Member List

This is the complete list of members for a_shape_sphere, including all inherited members.

a_shape(int n_parameters)a_shapeinline
average_dist_cloud(const std::vector< a_point > &pts)a_shape
best_fitting_cloud(const std::vector< a_point > &pts, std::vector< a_point > &pts2)a_shape
center() consta_shape_sphereinline
center(const a_point pt)a_shape_sphereinline
classname() consta_shape_sphereinlinevirtual
closest_point(const a_point p) consta_shape_spherevirtual
dist_cloud(const std::vector< a_point > &pts)a_shape
dist_point(const a_point p) consta_shape_spherevirtual
export_inliers(const std::vector< a_point > &pts)a_shape
export_outliers(const std::vector< a_point > &pts)a_shape
export_points(const unsigned int nseg, const std::vector< a_point > &pts) consta_shape_sphere
export_triangles(const unsigned int nseg, const std::vector< a_point > &pts) consta_shape_sphere
fit_cloud(std::vector< a_point > &pts, short nl=1)a_shape_spherevirtual
a_shape::fit_cloud(const std::vector< a_point > &pts, vnl_least_squares_function &fn)a_shape
getparameters() consta_shapeinline
npara() consta_shapeinline
P(const double P)a_shapeinline
P() consta_shapeinline
p4pts(const a_point p1, const a_point p2, const a_point p3, const a_point p4)a_shape_sphere
para(const int i, const double val)a_shapeinline
radius() consta_shape_sphereinline
radius(double r)a_shape_sphereinline
random_hint(const std::vector< a_point > &pts)a_shape_spherevirtual
rms_dist_cloud(const std::vector< a_point > &pts)a_shape
threshold_cloud(const std::vector< a_point > &pts, std::vector< a_point > &pts2)a_shape
verbose(bool v)a_shapeinline