project_cylinder - project point, line or triangle files on a cylinder
project_cylinder [-cx DOUBLE] [-cy DOUBLE] [-cz DOUBLE] [-dx DOUBLE] [-dy DOUBLE] [-dz DOUBLE] [-r DOUBLE|--radius DOUBLE] [-?|-h|--help]
project projects point, line or triangle files on a cylinder and unwrap it. The parameters of the projections are: 'c' (cx cy cz), a point on the axis of the cylinder; 'd' (dx dy dz), a vector pointing in the direction of the axis and 'r', the radius of the cylinder. It takes its input from the standard input and returns the result to the standard output.
return a file in 2D (2) or 3D (3: default)
x coordinate of a point on the axis of the cylinder (default: 0)
y coordinate of a point on the axis of the cylinder (default: 0)
z coordinate of a point on the axis of the cylinder (default: 0)
x coordinate of the axis vector (default: 0)
y coordinate of the axis vector (default: 0)
z coordinate of the axis vector (default: 1)
radius of the cylinder
Returns the manual page
Written by Pierre Smars (first version: 2010)
Reports of bugs or problems should be submitted via electronic mail to <>.
Copyright (C) 2013 Pierre Smars. License GPLv2 <>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.