

mirror - mirrors point, line or triangle clouds


mirror [-x|-y|-z|--xy|--xz|--yz] [-l|--line] [-p INT|--precision INT] [-?|-h|--help]


mirror reflects the coordinates of a point, line or triangle cloud in a plane defined with the options. It takes its input from the standard input and returns the result to the standard output.



the cloud is reflected in the plane yz (x changes sign).


the cloud is reflected in the plane xz (y changes sign).


the cloud is reflected in the plane xy (z changes sign).


the cloud is reflected in the plane bisecting planes xz and yz (x is exchanged with y).


the cloud is reflected in the plane bisecting planes xy and yz (x is exchanged with z).


the cloud is reflected in the plane bisecting planes xy and xz (y is exchanged with z).


for line clouds with 2 points on each line

-p INTEGER, --precision INTEGER

number of decimals (default: 6)


Refer to the manual page


Written by Pierre Smars (first version: 2001)


Reports of bugs or problems should be submitted via electronic mail to <smars@yuntech.edu.tw>.


Copyright (C) 2020 Pierre Smars. License GPLv2 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


rotate(1), translate(1), view_pt(1), view_li(1), view_tri(1)

Pierre SMARS (tools, home page)