Physics (物理)
First semester, Friday 1PM - 4PM (DH304) |
Pierre SMARS |
Course documents,
Targets (教學目標)
- Give an introduction to the scientific method.
- Introduce students to key physical concepts necessary in conservation studies.
- Give the base of understanding of deterioration mechanisms and methods of analysis.
Outline (教學內容綱要)
The class consists of lecture sessions.
- Introduction to physics and scientific method
- Units, measurements and errors
- Energy
- Properties of solids
- Properties of fluids
- Waves
- Light and colours
- Optics
- Heat
- Building physics: temperature, humidity
- Physical effects of environment on materials
- Monitoring
- Destructive and non-destructive analysis
- Microscopy
- Dating techniques
Assessment (評量)
Mid-term, final exam and participation during the class.
Slides of the lectures
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