Materials science (材料科學)
Second semester, 4-AB/DH304 |
Pierre SMARS |
Course documents,
Slides of the lectures,
Targets (教學目標)
- Introduction to the field of material science (fundamental notions)
- Introduction to some materials commonly used in cultural objects and buildings: their structure, behaviour and deteriorations mechanisms
- Interest students in their local heritage (paper on a local material)
Outline (教學內容綱要)
The class consists of lecture sessions.
- Elements & bondings
- Molecules, crystals & glass
- Phases & microstructures
- Causes of decay
- Minerals & stones (classification, structure, properties & deterioration mechanisms)
- Soils & earth material (classification, structure, properties & deterioration mechanisms)
- Ceramics (production, structure, properties & deterioration mechanisms)
- Mortars (types, structure, properties & deterioration mechanisms)
Assessment (評量)
Mid-term, final exam and participation during the class.
References (教材上網資訊)
- ASHURST J., DIMES F.G. (eds), Conservation of building & decorative stone, Oxford, 1990 (library: TH1201 C66 1998)
- BAER, LIVINGSTONE (ed), Conservation of historic brick structures, Donhead, 1998 (library: NA4130 D35 1996)
- CHANG R., Chemistry, 6th ed., McGraw Hill, 1998 (library: QD31.2 C37 1998)
- COMPTON R.R., "ch.IV: Identifying rocks in the field", Geology in the field, pp.48-74 (library: QE45 C63 1985)
- D'ARMADA P., "Prediction and prevention of hygroscopic salt activity in historic buildings", Journal of Architectural Conservation, 11/1 2005, pp.28-41 (in the library)
- HO, C.S., An introduction to the geology of Taiwan. Explanatory text of the geologic map of Taiwan, Central Geological Survey, The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taipei, 2d ed., 1988
- FITZNER, HEINRICHS, "Damage diagnosis on stone monuments - weathering forms, damage categories and damage indices", in Prikryl, Viles (eds), Proceedings of the international conference stone weathering and atmospheric pollution network (SWAPNET 2001), Prague, 2002
- GOODMAN R.E., Engineering geology, rock engineering construction, John Wiley, 1993, pp.12-13, 18-34 (library: TA706 G644 1993)
- HOUBEN H., GUILLAUD H., Earth Construction: a comprehensive guide, 1993 (library: TH1421 H68 2005)
- ILLSTON J.M., DOMONE P.L.J. (eds), Construction materials, their nature and behaviour, New-York, 2001 (library: TA403 C636 1994) [I.1. state of matter, I.2. Energy and equilibrium, I.3. Atomic structure and interatomic bonding, I.5. surfaces]
- KURZ W., MERCIER J.-P., ZAMBELLI G., Introduction a la science des materiaux, Lausanne, 1987
- WARREN, Conservation of earth structures, Butterworth Heinemann, 1999 (library: TH1421 W37 1999)
- WEST T.R., Geology applied to engineering, Prentice Hall, 1995, (minerals: 17-32, rocks: 33-79) (library: TA705 W47 1995)
- WINKLER, Stone in architecture, 3d ed, Springer, 1997 (library: TA426 W55 1997)
- YEOMANS, The repair of historic timber structues, London, 2003 (library: NA109.G7 Y46 2003)
- YOUNG, MINDESS, GRAY, BENTUR, The science and technology of civil engineering materials, Prentice Hall, 1998 (library: TA403 S419 1998)
Office Hours (課業輔導時間)
On appointment
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