History of Western Architecture (西方建築史)
First semester, Friday 1PM - 3PM, DH314 |
Pierre SMARS |

Course documents,
Slides of the lectures,
English Bibliography,
Chinese Bibliography
Targets (教學目標)
- Improve students' understanding of architecture.
- Give a survey of the major developments of European architecture
between the end of the Roman empire & the French revolution through detailed descriptions
of key buildings and analysis of architectural treatises.
- Relate development of forms, conception of space & technical evolution.
Outline (教學內容綱要)
The class consists of lectures sessions.
Emphasis will be given on Medieval Architecture during the first semester
and on Classical and post-Renaissance Architecture on the second semester.
- Introduction to the history of architecture.
- Outline of Greek and Roman Architecture.
- Early Christian architecture.
- Carolingian Architecture.
- Romanesque architecture [Major regional schools].
- Gothic architecture
[French developments & major European variations; medieval treatises].
- Renaissance & mannerist architecture
[Italian development & major European variations; architectural treatises].
- Baroque architecture [Roman, North-Italian & German developments].
- 18th century architecture [French & English developments].
Assessment (評量)
Mid-term and final exam.
Reference material
- David Watkin, A history of Western Architecture, 3d ed., Laurence King publishing, London, 2000
- Nicolas Pevsner, An outline of European architecture, Penguin, London, 1948
- Christian Norberg Schulz, Meaning in Western architecture, Rizzoli, NY, 1980
- Rowland Mainstone, Developments in structural form, Allen Lane, Penguin books, 1975
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