Computer-Aided Drafting for Cultural Heritage (文化資產電腦輔助繪圖)
Course documents,
Links and software,
Targets (教學目標)
- Give an overview of useful programs to draw in 2D and 3D
- Understand typical workflows: from acquisition to rendering
- Give effective skills to draw in 2D with computers
- Introduce 3D drafting, rendering
Outline (教學內容綱要)
The class consists of lecture sessions and exercises.
- Principles of computer drafting
- Peculiarities of cultural heritage
- Brief presentation of the techniques to acquire the data
- AutoCAD and Draftsight: create and edit simple drawings
- AutoCAD and Draftsight: organising work, blocks, layouts, printing
- AutoCAD and Draftsight: working with UCS, views
- Elements of 3D drafting: Sketchup, Rhinoceros 3D
- Introduction to rendering
- Introduction to parametric modeling
Assessment (評量)
Exercises and participation during the class.
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