An Architectural Stroll Around Europe (與歐洲建築漫步)
Second semester, 2-GH/DH303 |
Pierre SMARS |

Course documents,
Slides of the lectures,
Targets (教學目標)
- Improve students' understanding of European Art and Architecture
- Give an outline of important developments in Western architecture
through discussion of the contribution of major architects.
Outline (教學內容綱要)
The class consists of lectures sessions.
- The Roman Landmark 羅馬歷史地標
- Gothic Cathedrals of Northern France 北法傳奇哥德大教堂
- Italian Villas 義大利貴族別墅
- Baroque Castles of Germany 德國華麗巴洛克城堡
- Le Corbusier & the Modernist Revolution 柯比意及現代建築革命
- Outline of Bridge History 橋的歷史蹤跡
- The Art of Gardens 庭園藝術
- Traditional Country Houses 傳統鄉村房舍
Assessment (評量)
Final exam and participation during the class.
Reference material
- David Watkin, A history of Western Architecture, 3d ed., Laurence King publishing, London, 2000
- Nicolas Pevsner, An outline of European architecture, Penguin, London, 1948
- Christian Norberg Schulz, Meaning in Western architecture, Rizzoli, NY, 1980
- Rowland Mainstone, Developments in structural form, Allen Lane, Penguin books, 1975
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